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These two models, for the cooling and contraction of oceanic lithosphere with age, are referred to as the half space and plate models respectively. In the former the lithosphere cools inde nitely, whereas in the latter it ultimately attains an equilibrium situation determined by the temperature at the lithosphere asthenosphere boundary and the depth at which this occurs as a result of convection in the asthenosphere. Clearly the main constraints on these models are the observed depth (corrected for sediment loading) and heat ux at the ocean oor as a function of age. Stein & Stein (1992), using a large global data set of depth and heat ow measurements, derived a model (GDH1 global depth and heat ow model 1) that gave the best t to the observations. Any such model must make assumptions about the depth to the ridge crest and the thermal expansion coef cient, the thermal conductivity, the speci c heat, and the density of the lithosphere. However Stein & Stein (1992) showed that the crucial parameters in determining the best t to the data are the limiting plate thickness and the temperature at the base of the lithospheric plate. In the GDH1 model these have the values 95 km and 1450 C respectively. A comparison of the age depth relationship predicted by the half space model, the Parsons, Sclater & McKenzie model and GDH1, is shown in Fig. 6.9a and the depth age equations for GDH1 are: d = 2600 + 365t1/2 for t < 20 Ma and d = 5650 2473exp( t/36) for t > 20 Ma.

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